Taking on the world’s biggest challenges isn’t an easy task. Ask anyone who’s done it or is currently on the journey and I am sure you’ll get a mouthful of an answer. Who comes to mind for you? As for me, I think of the likes of Martin Luther King Jr., Arlan Hamilton, Francois D. Toussaint, and Helen Keller among so many others who have made it their life’s work to contribute towards a cause they believed in while creating lasting impact that changed their world, and ultimately the world around them.
When I think of founders and social entrepreneurs today, I see so many similarities and opportunities for any of us to contribute towards world-changing solutions that we care about the most. Everyone doesn’t have to be as legendary and walk the edge as some of the people I mentioned earlier, however, it is assuring to know that in today’s world, we have access to tools, technology, and the type of reach that can fuel our ambitions and help deliver massive impact.
For anyone who’s unfamiliar...social entrepreneurs are business owners who launch purposeful ventures that aren’t just focused on profits and growth, but an equal and often bigger measure of success is how those ventures are tackling some of the world's biggest challenges such as poverty, hunger, equality, or improving everyone’s well-being. We think social entrepreneurship rocks! We launched this company because we think social entrepreneurs should be supported and celebrated as the key community leaders and building blocks that they are.
There are several ways that anyone can support those who are building world-changing solutions. Socialaim.co builds technology and programming to make it easier for social entrepreneurs (both emerging and experienced) to leverage social capital to build their business while increasing access to financial capital. In our case, social capital refers to the founder's network and relationships that are within or outside of our online community. Some of the ways that we’re doing this are by designing a unique business-building membership platform called Clutch and organizing a week-long series of events, training, and networking during our very first Social Capital Week on June 21st - 26th, 2021!
While our Clutch membership platform is designed for founders who are poised to perform under pressure and deliver when it counts the most, Social Capital Week 2021 brings together community leaders, creators, change-makers, and local stakeholders over a full week of collaboration, learning, growth networking while supporting social entrepreneurs who are solving our community's most critical social & environmental challenges. This is also an opportunity for founders and members of our community to test out some of our features like Creator’s Block, which is a creative brainstorming session we facilitate to help Clutch Founders solve everyday challenges while participants leave with new ideas that they can also use for their own projects. Anyone can register to join us at SCW2021, especially if you’re a golfer or ever thought of learning the game. While our events are mostly virtual, we’re offering local Miami participants a chance to win a free golf lesson ahead of our week’s closing event: Social Capital Happy Hour.
Who are some of your most admired world-changers and impactful leaders? How do you think they should be celebrated and supported? If you’re having some trouble thinking of someone or maybe some of the issues that you care most about haven’t been addressed yet...you may have to look in the mirror for some direction (wink wink). Whatever the case may be for you, know that you can always join in and just help us support and celebrate the works of amazing founders and business leaders who are fighting for change.
Note from the author:
Emmanuel is the founder & Executive Creator of socialaim.co. He's passionate about social entrepreneurship, innovation, and community building. He is a seasoned entrepreneur with 16+ years of business and professional experience. Over the years, he's valued the opportunity to do business, gain working experience while learning from various industries such as banking, sales, marketing, real estate, and management. You may connect with him by clicking here.