What is GES, you ask? Sure thing, I got you covered: This is a Global Engagement Summit that is held every year at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. According to the United Nations Association, this event is considered the largest annual gathering of UN supporters in the country, connecting U.S & UN officials with community leaders, young professionals, and subject matter experts from across the country to discuss and learn more about the important mission and work of the United Nations.

This is important because it helps change-makers like you and I to better understand and become more aware of the strong connection between the U.S and the UN, as well as learning more about some of the most pressing social & environmental challenges that we are creating solutions for.
The theme for this year is "Pushing forward, for people and planet!", which will forcus the event on empowering everyone to take bold actions in order to achieve greater impact in the areas of people and planet. You can learn more about some of the specific topics that will be discussed later this week on the official event page.
Although in-person attendance has been closed, you can still learn more on the UN's website and watch it live online.
I am excited to attend this event for the first time. I am supper committed to learning more and positioning myself in places that will help me bring more value to you as social enterprise business owners and changer-makers. I will be focused on small business relations and gathering resources that can help you create more impact in your community.
Here are some of my questions to you though...are there any specific information you'd like to know regarding this? Any contacts or potential opportunity for your business I should keep in mind? Feel free to drop a comment here, or email me at emiot@socialaim.co.
I will be sharing updates on this as well as our growth journey next monday at CLUTCH Huddle. Please sign up here to join us. That's it for now, enjoy the rest of your week!